Category: Pedagogy
Blog post on “ODP: Towards a Pedagogy of Prefiguration” for the ‘Walking in my Shoes’ project
For 8 of the 9 semesters that I’ve taught, I have taught the 101 course in the Urban Studies Department at Queens College. Entitled ‘Poverty and Affluence’, this class introduces students to the history and various manifestations of inequality (economic, social, political, material, experiential and more) as they intertwine with…
On Tuesday September 5, 2017, '45' ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, otherwise known as DACA. Also see: Trump's Statement A Statement (via email) on DACA made by Queen College President, President Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman preemptive responsSome of…
Blog Post titled “Assessing Active Learning Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue” for Visible Pedagogy
The conversation below is based on our visits to each other’s classes, which was facilitated by the Classroom Visit Exchange program, part of the TLC’s Open Teaching Initiative. Breaking Down the Binaries Kristen: At the core of my teaching philosophy is a critical pedagogical approach that understands the classroom as…
A Brief Teaching Philosophy
At the core of my teaching philosophy is a critical pedagogical approach that understands the classroom as a space in which to inform students about their world/city and prepare and encourage them to play an active role in shaping that world/city. For me and my practice, critical pedagogy translates into…
In the Spotlight – OpenLab
In the Spotlight is a blog series on our OpenLab Community Team site, The Open Road. This weekly series 'spotlights' different courses on the OpenLab with the aim of sharing the abundance of interesting work being done on the OpenLab and at City Tech more broadly, some of which may be…
Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab
Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab is a open digital pedagogy project of the OpenLab team. In our own words, "forum where we can ask questions, stimulate discussion, and share teaching materials, resources, and ideas related to teaching and learning on the OpenLab." An important part of this project are our semesterly…
‘Walking in my Shoes’ – An Open Digital Pedagogy & Urban Justice Project
The Walking in My Shoes (WIMS) Project is an open digital pedagogy project that began as a way to: 1) more deeply involve the students in my class with the issues we were discussing, 2) publicize the the conversations that took/take place in my public university setting, 3) to stretch and…
Awarded ‘Course Enhancement Grant’
In the Fall of 2015 I was awarded an Experiential Learning Activities Course Enhancement Grant by the the Urban Studies Department at Queens College where I have served as an Adjunct faculty member since the Spring of 2013. These grants were made available thanks to the generous support of the…
Teaching Circle – Queens College CTL
The year I began teaching at Queens College - the 2nd semester I taught - I signed up to blog for the Teaching Circle, an experimental project of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Queens College, which aimed to create "a virtual space for faculty to share concerns on…