Dissertation Overview

My dissertation research defines and employs comrade scholarship in an inquiry of the past, present and future of public housing. The goal of the research is to lift up residents’ experiences and perspectives, alongside critical scholarship, to question state-led plans and envision alternative housing futures. The research manifests as an expanded dissertation that has included drafting reports, policy statements, and op eds, creating public education materials (from handouts and posters and presentations, to online toolkits, to websites and social media content), giving public testimonies and teach ins, and engaging in critical policy conversations with residents, elected officials and other stakeholders all with the intent of informing public discourse as well as organizing goals, strategies and tactics. The last component of my dissertation work is a book that pulls together much of this past work, and deepens it in a way that the context of a book allows, but maintains the goal of informing public discourse, policy, and movement work.

The “Dissertation” category employed on this site currently includes the more action-oriented components of the dissertation that have accumulated over time as handouts, posters, presentations, online toolkits, websites, social media content, public testimony, teach ins, critical policy conversations with residents, elected officials and other stakeholders and more.

I am currently working through writing the book. More forthcoming soon!

Posted on: September 19, 2021