Interview with Nikki Lucas On The Fight To Save NYCHA with VOICES East New York News

Based on past segments about the Privatization of NYCHA, on VOICES of East New York with Nikki Lucas, it has become crucial that a true Coalition to #SaveNYCHA had to be formed to stop the city from handing over its housing portfolio to private developers.

Kristen Hackett of the Justice for All Coalition has been a guest multiple times on VOICES of East New York with Nikki Lucas, to explain in detail how the RAD Program is absolutely a privatization plan and the Blueprint Plan is a Dishonest Attempt To Hand Over Reigns To Financial Elite Disguised As A Public Trust.

This segment the discussion on VOICES of East New York with Nikki Lucas focused on the Coalition to #SaveNYCHA and the importance for it to be completely independent of current Council and Assembly members who sat around for the past 15 years while the bad deed was being done. Members of the audience joined Nikki Lucas on screen to comment and voice their opinions.

Watch Livestrea: VIDEO: Guests Joined Nikki Lucas On Screen in the Discussion The To Save NYCHA – East New York News

Posted on: December 15, 2020