Teaching Circle – Queens College CTL

The year I began teaching at Queens College - the 2nd semester I taught - I signed up to blog for the Teaching Circle, an experimental project of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Queens College, which aimed to create "a virtual space for faculty to share concerns on…

Contribution to Journal Article on “The InQ13 POOC: A Participatory Experiment in Open, Collaborative Teaching and Learning”

In 2014, I participated in a unique class-based learning experiment that attempted to intentionally contrasted with the emerging MOOC model. Using a POOC model, or Participatory experiment in Open, Collaborative teaching and learning, students in the course examined political and economic inequality through course material and a community-based project, both…

Political and Civic Engagement Study

Anxieties regarding low levels of youth political participation (YPP) and the future of our democracy have propelled the efforts of researchers, policy makers and politicians for nearly two decades.  Despite the resurgence of interest and efforts, lags in participation among young people persist.  This study argues for and aims to…

Interrupting Inequality through Community Land Trusts

Community Land Trusts (CLT) are a shared equity, non-speculative housing model, which has been suggested as a viable model for enabling low-income households to secure long-term, stable homeownership, and thus, achieve the ‘American Dream’.  Much attention has been paid to the economic structures inherent in the model that enable these…