Critical Musings – Personal Blog

[caption id="attachment_657" align="alignright" width="300"] Image Source: tanakawho[/caption] 'Critical Musings' is how I refer to my personal blog posts. 'Personal' here means two things: 1) personal because I write them for no other reason other than I want to (and sometimes, I feel I must to get a particular emotion or…

Demand For Land in East New York & Cypress Hills

[caption id="attachment_576" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Image Source: MMZach[/caption] SEPT 2016: Whether you live in New York City or not, you are probably aware  that the real estate market is hot. In recent decades, housing prices have been rising citywide, with some neighborhoods seeing dramatic spikes in housing costs. These spikes are often related to a…


On Tuesday September 5, 2017, '45' ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, otherwise known as DACA. Also see: Trump's Statement A Statement (via email) on DACA made by Queen College President, President Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman preemptive responsSome of…

United We Transform, Divided We Reproduce

Below I have unpacked the interrelations between the concepts of precarity and commoning with the intention of cultivating a framework for thinking about the political potential of precarity. This statement was prepared in preparation for my 2nd doctoral exam, and serves as the theoretical starting point for my dissertation, which…

Curriculum Vitae

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In the Spotlight – OpenLab

In the Spotlight is a blog series on our OpenLab Community Team site, The Open Road. This weekly series 'spotlights' different courses on the OpenLab with the aim of sharing the abundance of interesting work being done on the OpenLab and at City Tech more broadly, some of which may be…

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab is a open digital pedagogy project of the OpenLab team. In our own words, "forum where we can ask questions, stimulate discussion, and share teaching materials, resources, and ideas related to teaching and learning on the OpenLab." An important part of this project are our semesterly…

Teaching Circle – Queens College CTL

The year I began teaching at Queens College - the 2nd semester I taught - I signed up to blog for the Teaching Circle, an experimental project of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Queens College, which aimed to create "a virtual space for faculty to share concerns on…

Interrupting Inequality through Community Land Trusts

Community Land Trusts (CLT) are a shared equity, non-speculative housing model, which has been suggested as a viable model for enabling low-income households to secure long-term, stable homeownership, and thus, achieve the ‘American Dream’.  Much attention has been paid to the economic structures inherent in the model that enable these…